Centre trains orientation agency on Disability Act

Dr. Garba Abari

The Centre for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) has trained no fewer than 70 officials of the National Orientation Agency (NOA) on the National Disability Act 2018.

The training, which exposed the officers to the provisions of the National Disability Act 2018, also strengthened the partnership between the centre, agency and other partners.

Director General of NOA, Dr. Garba Abari, noted that the National Disability Act 2018 was enacted as an intervention to the critical needs of People Living With Disabilities (PLWDs) in Nigeria.

He commended the network of people with disabilities, the National Assembly and other relevant and supportive organisations for their efforts, through sponsorship and legislation.

He also lauded President Muhammadu Buhari for accenting to the Bill. Abari commended the CCD for initiating the partnership as well as provide technical and financial support for the capacity building programme.

He promised to use the NOA structure to mainstream disability issues in their programmes and activities, while urging their partners to do same.

Executive Director, CCD, David Anyaele, said that the partnership with NOA was based on the formidable structure of the agency with offices across the federation.

He applauded the leadership of NOA for the approval of the training program and for partnership with CCD to raise awareness on the provisions of the National Disability Act.

Director, Sultan Maccido Institute Of Peace, Leadership And Development Studies, Prof. Mutiullah Olasupo, said that people with disabilities in Nigeria faced physical as well as attitudinal barriers to employment.

According to Olasupo, having good education does not guarantee employment for people living with disabilities.

“Negative attitudes and misconceptions about capacity and productivity can act as barriers. The new Disabilities Act (2018) addresses discrimination of persons with disabilities with regards to employment, but it is not yet clear how this law will be enforced and how effective it will be,” he said.


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