Change of security chiefs

SIR: The Committee for the Protection of Peoples Mandate (CPPM) wholeheartedly congratulates President Muhammadu Buhari and the entire people of Nigerian over the dismissal from office of the national security adviser and service chiefs by the President.

We regard this sack as a long awaited and welcome development, which will go a long way in repositioning and enhancing our democracy, military and national security, as well as a step in the right direction towards restoring the lost glory of the military, which was brought into public opprobrium by the conduct of the military in recent past.

We make bold to state that the Nigerian military as an institution epitomises the pride, discipline, character and unity of the Nigerian state and thus must be above board in its conduct at all times.

The CPPM demands the following:
• Immediate investigation of the tenure of the national security adviser and service chiefs in the discharge of their constitutional responsibilities.

• Immediate investigation of the roles of the NSA and COAS in assaulting democracy by the use of unidentified men in military uniforms to “provide” security during the Ekiti and Osun states gubernatorial elections on June 21 and August 9, 2014.

Our above demands stem from the fact that the military symbolises the discipline and unity of the Nigerian state, thus very concerted and patriotic effort must be made at all times to ensure that national security and unity remain sacrosanct.

• Nelson Ekujumi,Lagos.



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