Channel fuel subsidy to constituency projects, says A’Ibom Rep-elect

Clement Jimbo, member-elect for Abak/Etim Ekpo/Ika Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, has said part of the N6 trillion formerly used in servicing fuel subsidy should be channeled to constituency projects to better the lot of Nigerians.

Jimbo, in a chat, told our reporter that although subsidy removal might plunge Nigerians into harsh economic realities, it was for the greater good of all.
He said: “In the next budget in 2024, by the grace of God, we are going to witness the removal of over N6 trillion that would have gone to fuel subsidy, and we should be asking where we should plough this money into. If you ask me as a lawmaker, I would say that the money should be divided and given to lawmakers to nominate projects in their respective constituencies, so that when we go to our different constituencies and these projects are implemented, we tell the people this is as a result of the subsidy removal. Projects like roads, water, hospitals, schools, among others, that will make the people happy.”
