Charly Boy: When pot calls kettle black

Weird artiste, Charles Oputa aka Charly Boy, was seen in a video tearing apart Anambra-based ‘Man of God’, Prophet Odumeje, for what he described as his unconventional way of preaching the gospel of Christ.

Recall Odumeje always claims to have so many ‘powers’ such as Sepre Lamante, Ganduka Gandusa, Lefare, Abido Shaker, among many others, “he has not even touched” but has been operating with Indabosky Bahose, which he uses to ‘heal’ people of their ailments. Charly Boy totally condemned Odumeje’s style and short of calling him a Charlatan, he called him other unprintable names.

Well, Charly Boy seems to forget that he broke into the music industry using same style like Odumeje’s and that is why he bears the tag of ‘weird musician’ till date. He was making his face up like a woman, dressing crazy and fixing long nails like the Biblical Queen Jezebel. Many times, he was photographed inside a coffin where he claimed he always slept.

This same Charly Boy had claimed he was a member of the famous and much talked about fraternity, Illuminati, and that he even was the Nigerian branch leader. At other times, he was photographed with another weird character, Denrele, a once-upon-a-time popular red carpet host, in an amorous posture that sparked the debate of him being gay.

But some of us who know CB very well knew it was all a show to reap attention. So, if Charly Boy did all that to remain popular and relevant in the entertainment industry, why is he berating Odumeje for currently using the same style in the gospel sector? Hustle na hustle na.


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