Chekwube Uchea: Why I empower professionals through technology

Chekwube Uchea

Chekwube Uchea is a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in Administration, Human Resources, Career Advisory and Product Management across diverse industries. As the Founder and Lead Career Coach at CLUDIVE, she empowers professionals to transition into the tech industry. Additionally, she heads GEMMA CLEANS, a sustainable development company offering innovative cleaning solutions in Nigeria and the United Kingdom (UK). Chekwube launched The Career Path Mentor (TCPM) community on January 1, this year, through which she supports career professionals facing challenges in their paths by providing inspiration and guidance.
With a background as the former Senior HR Manager at VerifyMe Nigeria, Chekwube holds degrees in Sociology and Industrial Sociology from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and a Master’s in Human Resource Management from the University of Liverpool, UK. An influential figure on LinkedIn, she shares her expertise with a substantial following (28K+ on her profile and 78K+ on her business page) and advocates for mental health, vulnerability, empathy and Sustainable Development Goals. Recognised as one of the 50 Top Personalities on LinkedIn and as an African HR/LinkedIn Influencer, Chekwube is a global speaker and a member of professional organisations like the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management, Nigeria (CIPM), and the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD).
In this interview, she shares her inspiring journey with ESTHER IJEWERE.

Career-defining moment
I would say when I joined VerifyMe Nigeria as an HR Manager. The CEO, Esigie Aguele (also the Co-founder), gave me a rare opportunity to thrive in my career. I can’t mention my career growth without talking about VerifyMe. I’ll forever be grateful for this.

Choosing HR as a career path
I was looking for a career that could allow me to have a profound positive impact on people. I can proudly say I have changed employee lives through my empathic, compassionate nature and career advisory skills.

Product management as second career path
First, I love being an HR professional and will always be one. However, it’s essential to up-skill/re-skill as one climbs the career ladder. Re-skilling was a personal decision, so I went into product management, which isn’t entirely different from HR. I also apply some of the skills I used to thrive as an HR professional to product management; for example, empathy, stakeholder management, people management, etc.

Why she became a career and transition coach
Experience, they say, is the best teacher. I know first-hand what it means to search for a job consistently without getting any response or interview invites. I’ve been there. I also know how it feels to be stuck, unfulfilled and unhappy in a specific career path, especially when you know you can be more and achieve more while increasing your earning potential. Life’s too short for one to remain in this state.
I decided to help people through my tech company – CLUDIVE. I’ve been asked this question often: Do you only provide career and advisory services to those who want to transition into tech alone? The answer is NO. My company helps those who wish to transition into other industries. We are happy to book a consultation call with you for more info.

The inspiration behind her cleaning company, Gemma Home Care
While growing up, I was very disorganized. However, as I grew older, I became very organised and neat. During my undergraduate days, when I went home for short/long holidays, my dad always told me that the house looked a certain way when I was around because I’d always arrange and tidy it to my taste. I also remember when a friend was setting up committees in UI (University of Ibadan) for an event we were planning in the church (Seat of Wisdom Catholic Church, UI) at the time; she made me the head of the cleaning committee. I did a good job and someone asked if I’d considered setting up a cleaning company. I just laughed and brushed it off.
Again, shortly after I resumed at a new place of work a few years back, I transformed the company’s environment by hiring a new cleaning company and a gardener. I guided them on what to do, and most employees commended me. One of the employees came into my office on a particular day and said, ‘HR, I think you should set up a cleaning company’. I remember this conversation vividly. He discussed it until I finally founded Gemma Home Care (now GEMMA CLEANS) the following year.
By the way, most people don’t know Gemma is my name. At GEMMA CLEANS, we offer home and commercial cleaning, upholstery and fumigation services, and we connect cleaning delegates to individuals, homeowners, business owners, etc.

Proud moment
My growth in the last five years. It’s been transformative.

Three key lessons in her journey
It’s essential to: Build a solid personal brand; it is one of the most potent career assets. You will be shocked about the benefits you will attract to yourself. LinkedIn is a great place to start if you are wondering how to build a personal brand. Start by setting up a profile, ensuring it’s optimised; and connect with people gradually.
A friend opened my LinkedIn account in 2013, and I only started utilising the platform sometime in 2019. I wish I started in 2013; so don’t be like me.
Invest in getting coaches and mentors for different aspects of your life.
Build and nurture relationships. You may need a reference or a favour from your previous boss or colleague.

Key guidance for new beginnings
It’s okay not to have everything figured out at the beginning. Before I became an HR professional, I worked as a front desk executive in a start-up and a customer experience personnel at a well-known bank. Clarity comes from doing.

Motivation and hobbies
Naturally, I’m a self-motivated person. However, during downtimes, I leverage my support system. I’m grateful for my amazing family and friends who always support and encourage me. My hobbies are singing, dancing, listening to good music, watching educational movies and writing.


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