Chery to showcase latest models at Festival Mall

Chery automobile

Carloha Nigeria has announced the upcoming display of Chery Automobile’s latest models from yesterday to April 14, 2024.

This exclusive showcase promises to dazzle visitors with Chery’s signature blend of innovation, style, and performance.

This four-day event will provide visitors with a unique opportunity to experience Chery’s innovative designs and cutting-edge technology up close.

During the event, attendees will have the chance to explore a wide range of Chery vehicles, including sedans, SUVs, and electric models, all showcasing the brand’s signature blend of style, performance, and reliability.

From sleek sedans to versatile SUVs, Chery’s display will feature an array of vehicles designed to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of today’s discerning drivers. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the remarkable craftsmanship, advanced technology, and safety features that define the Chery brand.

The Chery Automobile Display at Festival Mall offers an immersive experience for automotive enthusiasts, providing a firsthand look at the future of mobility. Whether you’re in the market for a new car or simply interested in the latest automotive innovations, the Chery Automobile display at Festival Mall is an event not to be missed.

In addition to showcasing exceptional vehicles, Chery representatives will be on hand to provide expert insights, answer questions, and assist visitors in discovering the perfect Chery model to suit their lifestyle.

Sales and Marketing Director, Carloha Nigeria, Joseph Omokhapue, said: “We are thrilled to display Chery Automobile at Festival Mall and offer our visitors the chance to discover the latest advancements in automotive technology. This event is a fantastic opportunity for car enthusiasts and shoppers alike to experience firsthand what sets Chery apart in the automotive industry.”

The Chery Automobile display will be located at Festival Mall, Festac, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos from April 11 to April 14, 2024. Admission is free and the event is open to the public.

In addition to exploring the vehicles on display, attendees can also take advantage of special promotions and offers available exclusively during the event.


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