Lagosian Breaks Guinness World Record For Longest Crocheting Marathon

Chidinma Okafor
Chidinma Okafor. Photo - Guinness World Record

Chidinma Okafor from Lagos State has defied crocheting endurance limits, achieving a new world record in the process.

Okafor crocheted continuously for an impressive 72 hours. This more than doubles the previous record of 34 hours and 7 minutes set by Alessandra Hayden of the United States in 2021.

Fueled by her passion for crocheting and a desire to push her boundaries, Okafor embarked on this ambitious “crochet-a-thon.” Throughout the three days, she meticulously crocheted a white dinner gown, showcasing her exceptional skill and dedication.

“I aim to showcase the artistry and perseverance involved in this craft and promote awareness about crocheting and its benefits,” she said.

“My preparation for the record attempt involved rigorous training and mental conditioning.”

Chidinma Okafor was given a total rest time of two hours per day. This equals five minutes per hour of crocheting. In addition, she could only use the toilet, sleep, eat, and change her clothes during this rest time.

READ ALSO: 10 Nigerians who attempted to break the Guinness World Records in the last 12 months 

Speaking on the toll this achievement had on her, she said, “It also required physical endurance and strategising to maintain a consistent pace while minimising fatigue.

“Additionally, logistics such as arranging for sufficient yarn with support staff were crucial for the uninterrupted progress of the attempt.”

The Guinness World Records organisation has officially recognised Okafor’s achievement. They have shared her work on all their social media platforms, exposing her to a wider audience.

This record-breaking accomplishment has gotten significant attention on social media. Okafor is being praised for her dogged dedication and creativity.

Furthermore, Nigeria has a growing list of individuals who have achieved Guinness World Records across various fields.

Here are a few of the Nigerian record-breakers:

Kaffy (Dance): Popular dancer, choreographer, and fitness instructor Kafayat Oluwatoyin Shafau holds the record for the “Longest Dance Party” at an impressive 52 hours and 3 minutes achieved in 2006.

Hilda Baci (Culinary): Hilda Effiong Bassey, also known as Hilda Baci, achieved the record for the “Longest Cooking Marathon (individual)” in May 2023. She cooked for an impressive 93 hours and 11 minutes, surpassing the previous record by a significant margin.

Tunde Onakoya (Chess): This intellectual feat involved an uninterrupted 58-hour chess session, with Tunde Onakoya reaching the 57-hour mark and securing the record.

These are just a few examples. There are many more Nigerians etching their names in the Guinness World Records for their remarkable talents.


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