Children’s Day: Children, heartbeat of our future — Gov. Radda

Katsina State Governor, Dikko Radda

Gov. Dikko Radda of Katsina State says his administration will continue to invest in children’s growth and development as they are the heartbeat of the future of the country.

Radda stated this at the 2024 Children’s Day celebration, which was supported by the Save the Children International (SCI), with the theme: “Investing in our children means investing in our future”.

Represented by his deputy, Faruk Lawal, the governor said: “Children are the heartbeat of our future. From them, we have teachers, doctors, engineers, and other professionals.

“It is the responsibility of the administration to ensure that these children have a right environment to grow, learn and become best persons who would contribute to the development of the society.

“Our future depends on your dreams and steps you take to achieve the dreams,” he said.Radda said the government was committed to providing children with quality education.

According to him, the government has been working tirelessly to improve schools, provide better working materials and ensure that they have qualified teachers. He, therefore, urged the children to take that advantage seriously to read widely and ask questions.

“Remember, education opens endless opportunities. Your well-being is paramount to us.“We will continue to improve healthcare services to ensure that you grow strong and healthy.

“We are also implementing programmes that will make sure that your rights are respected.

“Your voice matters. Your opinions and dreams are valuable. Your perceptions can help us to shape our policies to build a better future for you,” Radda said.

In her remarks, the Commissioner for Basic and Secondary School Education, Hajiya Hadiza Abubakar-Yar’adua, said the government would continue to provide children access to quality education, nutrition, healthy environment and healthcare services.

She urged all the stakeholders to continue to support children’s growth and development for the development of the society. Abubakar-Yar’adua further urged the parents to ensure that their children attend schools regularly and encourage them to realise their full potential.


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