CITN emphasises role of tax in economic devt

Chairman of the Students’ Affairs and Tertiary Institution Relations Committee, Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN), Dr Abiola Adimula, has stressed the need to enlighten students on the role of tax in the development of the nation’s economy.

Speaking during the catch-them-young tax quiz competition among secondary schools in Edo State, Adimula said the initiative was to create an interactive atmosphere for students to share ideas and contribute positively to the economic development of the country.

The event was organised by CITN for public secondary schools in the state.

Adimula added that the institute is playing a key role towards improving tax policies and guidelines that will be mutually beneficial to both the government and taxpayers.

Represented by Dr Imagbe Victor, a former bursar of UNIBEN, Adimula said CITN is into a lot of investments in students, both at secondary and tertiary levels, aimed at enhancing their resourcefulness as the future of the institute.

He stated that in the tertiary institutions, awareness creation is ongoing, while membership of the Association of Nigerian Taxation Students (ANTAS) is increasing by the day.

“Presently, we have 32 tertiary institutions in Nigeria that have inaugurated tax clubs, 31 have commenced taxation programmes, while 39 are offering taxation as a unit course.”

Chairman of Council, Mr Samuel Agbeluyi, thanked the sponsors of the competition for their commitment to developing future tax professionals.

He said the level of knowledge being displayed by the younger generation on taxation showed the calibre of tax professionals that would emerge in future.

At the end of the event, Edo College emerged winner, while St. Maria Goretti Girls Grammar School, and Eyean Secondary School emerged first and second runners up respectively.


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