Clare Cares Foundation educate girls on menstrual hygiene

Clare Cares Foundation, a non-profit organization recently held an educational forum on menstrual hygiene. A Menstrual Hygiene Day was set aside at Ocean Springs School in Isefun Ogun State the venue of the event.

Held on the 28th of May, the foundation’s initiative aimed to raise awareness and provide essential support to young girls regarding menstrual hygiene.

The event featured an impressive lineup of speakers who passionately discussed the importance of maintaining good menstrual hygiene practices.

Shedding light on the purpose behind the forum, Clare Ezeakacha founder of the foundation said:”It was a day we set aside to educate the young girls on menstrual hygiene. We had speakers who elaborated on the topic. We had a nurse, a teacher, mothers and a model who spoke to the girls extensively on the issue of a healthy period and menstrual hygiene.

With the theme of the year “making menstruation a normal fact of life”, we were able to engage the girls on this and it was an amazing session with them as we had lots of questions and feedback from them”‘, she said.

During the event, Clare Cares Foundation team distributed their revolutionary QC-Bags, also known as Quick Change Bags. These innovative bags contain a comprehensive set of menstrual items, including sanitary pads, pain relievers, wipes, disposable bags, perfume, and an instructional card. Designed to be discreet and convenient, the QC-Bags will enable girls to confidently pack their monthly essentials while avoiding any unnecessary embarrassment.

“We believe that every girl deserves access to proper menstrual hygiene resources and education,” said Clare Ezeakacha.

“Our mission is to empower girls and break down barriers by providing essential support and fostering a positive conversation around menstruation. The event at Ocean Springs School was a remarkable success, and we are delighted to have made a difference in the lives of these young girls.”


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