Cleric challenges Ajimobi on performance


PRESIDING Bishop of the Sword of the Spirit Ministries, Francis Wale Oke has tasked Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo state to make his second term tenure worthwhile by making his administration a reference point.

Besides, the cleric admonished the governor to improve on the state’s Internal Generated Revenue to escape the present economic crisis in the country. Specifically, Oke urged the governor to break another Jinx by leaving a mark that cannot be erased after his second term in office. The Bishop spoke at the 66th birthday celebration of the governor held at the government House chapel. He said, “Congratulations for breaking the jinx in Oyo state.

However, we implore you to make your second tenure worthwhile. Make a mark that can’t be erased, a mark that will become a reference point and historical. There is need to leave a legacy and to do this you need the help of God. Looking at the political landscape in Nigeria, whenever they come to office, in the first term they invest and do a lot of work but after they emerge the second term they relax but for you we want you to communicate to everyone that this second term will be as productive as the first.

“We want you to see this term as an opportunity to serve the people better, you need to be focused in your decisions. Be determined about your choice of people you appoint into office. Be more deliberate and purposeful because your goal is to leave a lasting legacy behind. Be deliberate in application of the state fund.

“We have known you to be very intelligent, fast thinker, God fearing and even a family man which is applaudable but the next three years is very critical to your history in Oyo state. Our Lord Jesus in his lifetime was not distracted. Though its critical time for the country now as the price of oil is reducing and the revenue is falling so what is happening now is not peculiar to Oyo state alone. But you need determination and a refusal to be discouraged or submit to the economic state of this nation.

“This is the time to look inward and generate revenue for the state. We have depended on oil too long in this nation.

