Club takes Share The Road campaign to Yaba terminal

Cycology Club members

As part of efforts aimed at promoting non-motorised transport policy and the importance of road users respecting one another, Cycology Club has taken its ‘Share the Road Campaign’ to Yaba Bus Stop.

At the bus stop, Cycology Club members and other cyclists in Lagos educated commercial bus drivers on the need to respect other road users, especially cyclists and pedestrians.

The Captain of Cycology Club, Temitope George, said that the share the road awareness campaign which is done every year, is to tell road users, especially motorists that cyclists, pedestrians are also road users under the law.

“And it is important that we all show empathy and that we share the road respectfully. Our usual experience when we are on in the road is that people see us, especially bus drivers feeling we are not meant to be on the road. They say, what are you doing on the road, leave the road.

“So, we invited all the cycling communities in Lagos, because it is something of concern to all cyclists and not members of Cycology Club members. This is more so that statistics on road accidents is very dire and we need to reduce those numbers reason it is important that everybody is sensitized about sharing the road respectfully.”

George said the cycling club hopes to carry out the campaign as many times as possible, as the reception from the drivers was good though there is still a lot of work to be done.

A member of the club, Seyilayo Ojo SAN, said that the campaign is about promoting road etiquette and learning to understand to be brother’s keeper on the road.

“The person on the road has the right to use the road as you. Sometimes you are on the road and someone is doing something wrong, you do not need to fight, rather caution the person. We are in a society where we really need to live a healthy lifestyle and what we do as cyclists is promote a healthy lifestyle through cycling and we can only do it on the road but we need a culture that appreciate who we are and that we are not disturbing any other person because we have equal rights to use the road.”
