CMCM gives scholarships to indigent students, cash, food to needy

To help youths fulfill God’s purpose for their destiny and to snatch them from myriads of ills bedeviling them in the present world, Christ Miracles Church Mission (CMCM) gave scholarships to over 100 indigent students during its 19th Yearly International Youth Convention with the theme: “Prosperity, Progress, and Testimony.”

Youths, teenagers and young adults from across the country participated in the convention, which featured developmental teachings, health seminars, skills acquisitions, career counselling and mentoring as well as ICT training To put smiles on the faces of widows, needy and vulnerable, amidst the economic hardship, CMCM gave cash gifts to widows, business owners, especially the needy to boost their businesses. According to the President, Christ Miracles Church Mission (CMCM), Prophet Peter Abiola Adebisi, the convention aim to teach youths on how to discover God’s purpose for their lives.

“It is a means of evangelism and mainly to capture the youths, teenagers and young adults for Christ.”Abiola, however, emphasised that total submission to the will of God is the solution to the myriads of challenges bedeviling individuals and country at large.


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