Coalition, UNFCCC to support Nigeria, others in implementing NDCs

UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Simon Stiell
UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Simon Stiell

A global coalition that brings together more than 200 members, including more than 120 countries, and nearly 100 institutions to deliver on ambitious climate action, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Partnership and UNFCCC secretariat, has launched an interactive tool to support countries in raising NDCs ambition and accelerate implementation in early 2025.

The NDC 3.0 Navigator was developed with technical inputs from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), World Resources Institute (WRI) and over 30 other partners. Presenting seven “Routes to Ambitious and Implementable NDCs,” the NDC 3.0 Navigator helps developing countries to identify and explore nationally relevant approaches to preparing ambitious.

Countries can use the tool to explore options on how to raise the ambition of their NDCs, reflecting national priorities and addressing key implementation and financing needs to strengthen 2025 submissions. The Navigator is self-directed and non-prescriptive with guiding questions that direct countries to the options most appropriate to them. These options are complemented by case studies and links to guidance, information sources and support. As a living tool, the Navigator will be expanded and updated over time as new knowledge and experience become available.

The Navigator launch comes at a time when countries are preparing NDCs that need to be sufficiently ambitious to align with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius while building much greater resilience to worsening climate impacts. The first Global Stocktake (GST) at COP28 concluded that while the Paris Agreement has driven near-universal climate action, significant gaps remain in the level of ambition, the pace of implementation and levels of access to finance the Paris Agreement through a just transition that leaves nobody behind.

Drawing on the latest science and informed by the outcomes of the GST, the Navigator will support countries in reflecting the GST outcomes in their NDCs 3.0 and helping ensure they readily translate into implementation and investment plans to expand climate finance options.

The Navigator launch coincides with the June UN climate meetings, also known as SB60 or the 60th session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies in Bonn, where countries and other stakeholders are convening to drive forward progress on key policy issues toward COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Simon Stiell, said: “Nationally determined contributions can and must serve as powerful blueprints, to propel countries’ economies and societies forward, with more jobs, more gender equality, access to secure and affordable clean energy, less pollution, better human health and higher living standards.

“Together with the UN system and other partners, we’ve been focused on ways we can provide practical support to Parties who need help. The NDC 3.0 Navigator can help connect Parties to information, other tools, and contacts that could help them develop new nationally determined contributions with a focus on real implementation.”

NDC Partnership Co-Chair, Dan Jørgensen, Minister of Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy of the Kingdom of Denmark, said: “The GST — where the world’s countries agreed to transitioning away from fossil fuels, tripling renewable energy capacity globally and doubling energy efficiency — reaffirmed the urgent need for international cooperation to increase ambitions and deliver on the Paris Agreement. The NDC 3.0 Navigator assists countries in getting the information they need to develop NDCs that align with the goals of the Paris Agreement while delivering a just and equitable transition.”

NDC Partnership Co-Chair, Minister of Environment of the Republic of Rwanda, Dr Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya, said: “Developing ambitious NDCs prepared with implementation in mind is a critically important undertaking.

“We need to explore all possible paths to stronger NDCs that position countries to act quickly on their goals and attract investment at scale. The routes presented in the NDC 3.0 Navigator will enable countries to develop ambitious and implementable NDC 3.0 submissions that are aligned with their development priorities. We commend the support of the NDC Partnership in this noble journey.”

Governments identify their NDC implementation priorities and the type of support that is needed to translate them into actionable policies and programmes. Based on these requests, the membership offers a tailored package of expertise, technical assistance and funding. This collaborative response provides developing countries with efficient access to a wide range of resources to adapt to and mitigate climate change and foster more equitable and sustainable development.


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