Collect your PVCs to elect good leaders in 2023 — Onitiri

Ahead of the 2023 general elections, Nigerians have been implored to collect their Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs), in order to vote for a highly cerebral, well-educated, selfless and forthright person to turn around the country. 
A renowned socio-political activist, Chief Adesunbo Onitiri, in a statement, yesterday, urged Nigerians to vote wisely as the economy is at the lowest ebb, with insecurity in the land.
He stated that in choosing leaders in 2023 elections, every patriotic Nigerian should ensure the people to be voted for, especially the President, must be highly cerebral, well educated, selfless and forthright. 

“We need a patriot, with the capability and ability to govern. He must be honest, transparent, credible, and diligent with the quality of a world class President.
“We desperately need leaders that can turn our economy around, turn our desert to land flowing with honey and milk,” he stressed
Postulating on the compulsory qualities Nigeria’s next president must possess, Onitiri emphasised that political parties must scrutinise their candidates and present a credible, highly educated and intelligent person with fear of God, who is detribalized and equipped with world current affairs, economics and politics.

Never again should Nigerians tolerate an old, sick or unhealthy, corrupt, indolent, religious fundamentalist as president, he said. 
“Nigeria’s next president should be a fearless leader, not necessarily a politician, he may be a technocrat or drawn from the industrial sector who knows his unions and could not be bamboozled by political jobbers or cliques.
Onitiri said Nigerians must know the source of wealth of the presidential flag bearers, just as the candidate must be ready to serve and not to milk the wealth of the nation.


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