College proprietor laments poor facilities in schools

IMGProprietor/Principal of National College, Gbagada, Lagos, Alfred Aina, has stressed the need for institutions of learning to be provided with adequate facilities that would aid quality learning in 21st century educational institutions.

Speaking at a press conference to mark the 60th anniversary of the college, Aina regretted that education had gone highly technological and the country does not have the resources to provide facilities that would place its education on the same pedestal with that of the developed countries.

He said standard in the country would improve if government, school administrators, parents and other stakeholders make available resources that would allow learning to be optimal.

He said management of the college was doing everything possible to provide adequate facilities so as to ensure that students were exposed to quality education.
“Education requires planning. In the United States, almost everything has been made easy. Computers with free Internet connectivity and steady power supply are available for students to enhance learning process.  Nigeria still has a long way to go. Nigerian students are as good as students in other parts of the world, but they don’t have equipment that can make them access quality learning.”

He said the college, which was taken over by the state government in 1976 and returned to the founder in 2001 by Bola Tinubu administration had produced professionals in all fields.
He lamented that banks often refused to give loans to the school due to the name “National College, Gbagada,” adding that “people believe that anything national was government owned.”

