Comfy sleep with spotlight bed positions

Sleep doesn’t exactly come cheap for a real hard working visionary, irrespective of the luxury of the mattress, as the brain and mind stay active even when the body is tired.

However, for the brain and mind to actually function well, sleep must be accorded, hence, the need to return home to a bed position in your bedroom space that compels sleep against all the rigmaroles of mind and brainwork restlessness.

How does this work? It’s quite simple; position your bed at the space position that is ideal for the size, proportions and fixtures in your bedroom.

Ideal spotlight positions for your bed
The bed is the most important furniture in your bedroom, which is why the space itself was christened after the bed – ‘bedroom’. So finding a spotlight position for this utmost furniture should be the focal point of the space.

While a number of people consider certain personal factors before positioning their bed, one of the most ideal places to actually position a bed is at the centre of the longest wall in the room.

Why you should place your bed at the spotlight centre of the longest wall
This position supersedes any personal factor, as its practically places you at a safe, glare and comfy spot, such that every other furniture, movement, activity and décor functions seamlessly around the spotlight of your bed. After all, the primary aim is to lay your body on the bed, close your eyes, and actually sleep indeed.

Also, the spot gives the room focus with ample space for bedside tables to fit on both sides so as to create a sense of balance.

It also gives your space décor flexibility.

• In between two-window bedroom structure
This is another suitable position if your bedroom is structured with a two-window position. All you need do is pick a fitting wall space in between the windows to position your bed.

Advantages of sleeping close to the window
Sleeping close to the windows comes with its natural sleep compelling succors such as:
• Fresh cross ventilation from the open space
• Aesthetic views that induce peace and serenity in the room and others

Creating a centrepiece with the window position.
• If you prefer to put your bed in-between windows then you have to ensure the curtains are hung high and wide so that none of the windows are covered.

• Opt for a low bed headboard to let in as much light as possible.

