‘Complementing My Husband Is My Business’

buhari 1Much has been said about the personality of Mrs. Aisha Buhari; who is Mrs. Buhari?

AS you rightly said, so much is being said this time around about me. Well, Mrs. Buhari is the wife of Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, the Presidential Candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC); a former Military President of Nigeria who for the fourth time is contesting under democratic dispensation. I hail from Adamawa State and married to Katsina State indigene. I am a dutiful housewife, mother and grandmother with busy schedule taking care of the home front and my business.

Nigerians will love to know your background ma, do you mind?

I’m an educationist. After my National Certificate of Education (NCE), I went back to school to obtain my first degree in Public Administration and a master’s degree in International Affairs and Strategic Studies.
What will you regard as the peak of your achievement in life and how could that impact on the chances of your husband at the polls?

However, before going for the master’s degree, I obtained a diploma in Cosmetology and established a Spa and Beauty Institute both in Kaduna and Abuja. All these are important achievements in my life. I believe my educational qualifications will go a long way in consolidating the efforts of my husband as the president of this country.

Much may have been said about the personality of the presidential candidate of All Progressives Congress  (APC), Gen. Muhammadu Buhari and the kind of woman the wife is. In some spheres, many have claimed that Buhari is a polygamist, and he is not medically fit to be the president of this nation. Hajia Aisha Buhari in an interview with The Guardian cleared the cloud about many rumours that have been making the rounds about her husband. Hajia Buhari spares no words in disclosing her background, among other issues.


Are you his only wife?

Yes, I’m his only wife. And I’m sure many people are thinking that he is a polygamist with many wives.
What kind of a man – a family man, a husband, father is he?

He is a kind-hearted man, who loves his family; a loving husband, father and a wonderful friend to his classmates, contemporaries and all those he meets in his life.

How long have you been married to him and what is his strength politically, socially and otherwise?

We have been married for the past 25 years now. He has acquired enough experience in the tricks of Nigerian politics, which made him one of the most popular and political stakeholders in Nigeria. Socially, he is a man of the people, somebody who has the interest of Nigeria above his personal interest.

How will you function since he has promised to abolish the office of the first lady, which does not constitutionally exist anyway; what would you take on as wife of the president if he succeeds?

Gen. Muhammadu Buhari respects the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and will uphold and implement all programmes within the confines of the constitution, including the office of the First Lady. I will do everything possible to support him in many ways, particularly in the areas of the welfare of women, children and the less privileged members of the society. The issue of empowering women in Nigeria has been established at all levels, both formally and informally. All what is required is to continue to build on the existing structure by improving on it based on the established laws and order.

Is he not too old to aspire again for that post; can he withstand the stress of office?

It is really surprising hearing that his age has become part of Nigerian politics. Yes, he is 72 years old but he is a very healthy person with strong stamina to withstand the challenges of the office and country. By the way, how old is President Jonathan? He is of middle age but with all his qualifications, he has failed the nation.

There are examples upon examples of world leaders who are much older than him and with less pedigree in terms of leadership, even within the African continent. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia became President at the age of 70 years and will be 80 at the end of her second term. So also is President Zuma of South Africa who took over as President at 72 years and will be 77 years at the end of his tenure. Recently in Tunisia, Beji Caid Essebsi is 88 years old and assumed office at the age of 87 years in 2014.

What should Nigerians expect if your husband wins?

He will be expected to build a new Nigeria. Firstly, he will be faced with the task of restoring peace by tackling the issue of insecurity in the country without which there will be no basis for development and prosperity.

