Confab urges women to build alliances for career growth

Registrar/Chief Executive, Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered), Taiwo Olusesi (left); President/ Chairman of Council, NIM, Dr. Christiana Atako, and Deputy Governor, Ogun State and Special Guest, Noimot Salako-Oyedele, at the 2023 Women in Management and Leadership (WIMLEAD) conference of the institute in Lagos.

The need for women to build alliances and strategic relationships in their bid to break the glass ceiling and get to the pinnacle of their career has been underscored.

This formed the crux at this year’s Women in Management and Leadership (WIMLEAD) conference, organised by the Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) chartered.

The institute’s President and Chairman of Council, Dr. Christiana Atako, said conscious efforts must be made by all concerned to encourage women instead of impeding their march to the top.

According to her, the time has come to do away with the stereotypes and strait jackets that women have been unfairly boxed into. Noting that in today’s competitive business environment, businesses are continually looking for innovative ways to obtain a competitive advantage and grow, she said that strategic alliances and partnerships were some of the most successful methods that could be deployed to attain the ideal.

Atako said that creating a strategic alliance and effective collaboration with other businesses can enable an organisation have access to new markets, resources, synergy and expertise, as well as lower risks and costs.

“As a multidisciplinary professional institute, we fully understand most of the challenges faced by women in their efforts to excel in their careers, while also being at their best in the home front, thereby achieving excellent work-life balance.

“The idea for this conference was therefore, mooted and integrated into our yearly human capital development calendar to help our women members and non-members alike be the best of who they desire to be,” she said.

The Guest Speaker and Vice-Chancellor, of Lagos State University (LASU), Prof. Ibiyemi Olatunji-Bello, who spoke on ‘Building Alliance and Strategic Relationship, listed internal and external environment as two important factors in building alliances and creating strategic relationships.

To achieve these, she said it requires careful planning, effective communication, clearly defined roles, alignment of goals and values among participating parties, as well as proper governance structures to ensure that the benefits and risks are shared equitably.

Olatunji-Bello, who was represented by the varsity’s Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration, Prof. Adenike Boyo, highlighted some factors that affect strategic relationships and alliances, like financial issues, unequal possession of resources, internal rivalry and knowledge barriers.

She said that strategic relationships are no longer a strategic option but a necessity in the 21st-century competitive business environment.

She urged women in management and leadership roles to form interdisciplinary and intergenerational alliances with other talented people.

The varsity chief said alliances and strategic relationships should be considered as an opportunity for enterprises to acquire specific advantages to expand the market.

According to her, strategic alliances should be built on trust, shared values and long-term mutual benefit. Olatunji-Bello added that by focusing on creating meaningful relationships and identifying partners who can contribute to one’s professional growth, such person could unlock new collaborative opportunities both for herself and organisation.


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