Consider poor Nigerians, serve justice with all sense of openness – TADI

The Judiciary

Following the commencement of hearing at the election tribunal, Transparency Advocacy For Development Initiative (TADI) has called on the judiciary to reactivate and restore the hope and prayers of the Nigerian masses in the courts as the last hope of the common man.

TADI also urged the judiciary to do the needful by ensuring that no stone is left unturned while justice is served with all sense of openness and responsibility to whoever deserves it.

Executive Director, TADI, Amb. Yomi David, who stated this, Friday in Abuja while interrogating the 2023 general elections and its attendant judicial effect, urged the judiciary to do the needful no matter whose ox is gored, adding that all eyes are on the judiciary.

He said, “The Initiative, therefore, uses this medium to pass a vote of confidence on the leadership of the Judiciary in Nigeria with utmost belief that it would reactivate and restore the hope and prayers of the Nigerian masses in the courts as the last hope of the common man while justice and equity prevail.

“It is not a gainsaying that during the electioneering process, those that lost elections have rights to seek redress at the tribunal and proceed to the higher courts if dissatisfied with the judgment, hence, the attention and focus of the world is now on the judiciary.

“It has become imperative for the Executive Secretariat of the Initiative to appreciate the efforts and commitment of Nigerian voters who came out en masse to vote for candidates of their choices at the last elections on February, March 25 and 18, 2023 with a caveat to make their votes count in the 36 states of the federation.

“This renewed effort of conscious Nigerians to understand the necessity to contribute to the making of their leaders by making their votes count and the resulting effect with people-oriented results and upsets in several states has restored hope and confidence in our democratic system vis-a-vis the electorates.

“As a nascent transitional democracy, we cannot claim to have perfected the system for an infallible result as we improve on the process but it is equally noteworthy to admonish the continuous progression of our electoral evolution.

“Elections have come and gone with winners and losers emerging while his ligations are commencing to redress grey arrears, but the Initiative opines that there are no losers and winners as the country won as hence, the need to heal the wounds and work together for the progress and sustainability of the most populous black nation in the world.

“Consequent upon, the aforementioned and with restored confidence due to recent pro-people judgment in the rejuvenated judicial system under the leadership of Justice Kayode Ariwoola, the Chief Justice of the Federation, we are hopeful, confident and optimistic that the judiciary would live up to it’s expectations of providing fair, equitable and expected judgment on the cases.

“This is our fatherland and we are in it together to make it better by ensuring that our systems are functional, effective, target-driven & result oriented justify able.”


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