Continuous agitations not improving lives, MOSOP laments

MOSOP President, Fegalo Nsuke

•Decries 500,000 bpd loss due to non-oil exploration

The factional President of the Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People (MOSOP), Fegalo Nsuke, said it was time for Ogoni people to move away from poverty and begin to taste developments, saying that continuous agitations for over 30 years has not improved the lives of the people.

Nsuke expressed concern that over 500,000 barrels of crude oil was lost daily because of non-oil explorations in the area.
Consequently, he said $40 million was lost daily as a result of the exit of oil companies operations in the area.

The lost funds, he said, would have created numerous job opportunities and taken several people out of poverty. He debunked allegations that he has been bought over by people who do not mean well for the Ogonis, but are only interested in their resources.

Recall that some groups, especially the Peoples Advancement Centre (PAC), has blamed the lingering backwardness, neglect in Ogoni, despite continuous campaign for justice and equity, on the factionalisation in MOSOP into five groups.

Nsuke said: “The people criticising our decision for oil exploration to resume in Ogoni land are not being realistic.

“It is pertinent that we cannot continue the same way; those condemning the move also want development in Ogoni land, but how do we achieve development without giving room to resumption of oil production.

“Yes, we have issues to resolve, but we need to give room to dialogue to solve the problems. We cannot abandon our goals because we have issues. I didn’t collect money from anyone to canvas for this; I only have the interest of our people at heart.”

Nsuke further said that the people of Ogoni are worried that such a huge quantity of oil and amount are lost because of failure to resolve the lingering crisis among communities and oil companies operating in the area.


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