Court stops TikToker from posting on social media after bail

(FILES) In this file photo taken on May 27, 2020 (FILES) This file illustration photo taken on May 27, 2020 This illustration picture shows the logo of the social network application Tik Tok on the screen of a phone. – President Donald Trump is days away from announcing strong action against the popular Chinese-owned video sharing app TikTok to protect US national security, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said August 2, 2020. (Photo by Martin BUREAU / AFP)

A Kano state high court on Monday admitted the embattled social media influencer, Murja Ibrahim Kunya, on bail in the sum of N500,000.

As part of the bail conditions, the court restrained Kunya from making any comment or post on her social media handles including TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and other platform.

The court directed the Commissioner of Police to ensure full compliance and observant of the bail conditions relating to prohibition of posts or comments on social media.

In case of any breach of such condition, the court ruled that the Police is directed to immediately arrest the applicant and return her for prosecution.

Murja has dragged Kano State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Kano State Hishah Board, Commissioner of Police and three other respondents before the court, for stay of proceeding on incitement of public disturbance filed against her at the state Sharia court.

Delivery ruling on the matter, Justice Nasiru Saminu granted the applicant’s relief on stay of all proceedings at the lower court pending the determination of the case.

The presiding Judge also ordered the Kano state Hospital Management Board and Federal Neuro-psychiatric, Hospital Dawanau to produce and submit the report of psychiatric evaluation conducted on the applicant within seven days.

The order read: “That 5th and 6th respondents shall make the psychiatric evaluation report available to this court within seven days of service of those order.

“That the AG Kano state and counsel for parties or both shall address the court as to whether section 10 of Kano state hisbah board 2003 amended 2005 has ever being in force or not.

“That the applicant is admitted to bail in sum of N500, 000.00 with two reliable sureties in like sum, one of the sureties shall be a close relative of the applicant and the 2nd surety own of a property with C of O within the jurisdiction of the court.

“The applicant and the sureties shall deposit their passport photographs and their residence to be identified by the court duty of this court. The applicant shall not while on bail, engage in making any post or comment on any social media platforms including Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram e.t.c.

“The police commissioner is directed to ensure the observance of the above stated bail conditions relating to prohibition of posts or comments on social media and in the case of any breach of such condition, she shall immediately arrest the applicant and bring her to this court.

“The 5th and 6th respondents are directed to release the applicant forth with upon fulfillment of the bail conditions stated in paragraph 4 above. The matter further adjourned to 16th May, 2024 for address by parties on both sides.”


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