COVID-19 claims 42 lives in Gombe

• Ortom tests positive for virus
Of the 1,449 people that tested positive for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Gombe State between March 27, 2020 and January 6, 2021, over two scores are dead.

Chairman of COVID-19 Management Committee in the state, Dr. Manassah Jattau, told newsmen, yesterday, in his office that the state recorded 267 active cases, while 1,143 that recovered were discharged.

Jattau, who is also the deputy governor, emphasised the need for compliance with COVID-19 safety protocols, noting: “There is evidence of community transmission in the state resulting from interactions during the festive period.”

Consequently, the committee banned gatherings of over 50 people, threatening to shut any public or event centre that failed to comply with the protocols.

“Large gatherings must be avoided and physical distancing observed. Assembly or large gathering of more than 50 persons must be avoided; there should be wearing of face masks in public places, including worship areas, markets and shops; there should be hand-washing points and use of sanitisers at public places,” he explained.

He disclosed that the committee would encourage routine testing for COVID-19 by Rapid Response Teams (RRTs).

Pleading with the citizenry to cooperate with health officials, Jattau announced the resolve of his committee to shut any school, market or religious house flouting the COVID-19 rules.

BENUE State Governor, Samuel Ortom, has tested positive for COVID-19.

The Guardian reveals that most of the governor’s close aides also tested positive recently, a development that compelled him to go into isolation.

Though the governor did not show any symptom of the disease during his self-isolation until the latest test, he has already begun treatment as prescribed by medical personnel.

He advised those who came in contact with him or other persons who tested positive for the virus in the last couple of days to go for test.

In a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Terver Akase, yesterday, the governor encouraged Benue residents not to be afraid of going for COVID-19 test, as doing so would help in containing the spread of the disease.


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