CPPE tasks FG on strengthening expatriate legal framework

Muda Yusuf

The Centre for the Promotion of Private Enterprise (CPPE) has tasked the Federal Government with strengthening already existing extant laws and regulations within the framework of the Nigeria Immigration Act and the Expatriate Quota Handbook that squarely addresses the outcomes contemplated in the Expatriate Employment Levy (EEL).

The CPPE stated this while commending President Bola Tinubu and his team for suspending the implementation of the contentious EEL. The Chief Executive Officer, CPPE, Dr Muda Yusuf, said the handbook is robust and comprehensive and covers the critical issues of technology transfer, localisation of jobs, and restrictions of some categories of expatriates from entry into the country, based on current skill gaps.

He also pointed to the National Content Act and Presidential Executive Orders Three and Five that focus on localisation of procurement and service opportunities. Muda said the FG should strengthen the institutional and regulatory effectiveness of the Ministry of Interior and the Immigration Service to ensure compliance and enforcement of the extant laws and regulations.

“We do not need a new policy, regulation or handbook on the employment of expatriates. A new regulation or policy will be superfluous. The current regulations or handbook could be tweaked if necessary,” he stated. He stressed that other gaps need to be addressed such as the compromise of relevant institutions over the years.

The CPPE boss also noted the weakness in regulations, which have paved the way for expatriates operating in the retail sector in the open markets, thereby competing unfairly with local market women and men.

According to him, expatriates are taking up shops in the nation’s traditional markets, thereby displacing the indigenous traders who cannot compete with them.

Muda said there are similar concerns expressed by indigenous retailers in the computer, electronics, textiles, fabrics, and fashion accessories, where expatriates are competing with them at the retail end of the market. He said some of these companies, which include manufacturers, distributors and retailers, dominate the entire value chain.

The CPPE boss said, while Nigeria does not lack expertise in retail trading, these issues need to be addressed by the immigration service and the Ministry of Interior.

Meanwhile, the Nigeria Employers’ Consultative Association (NECA) has commended the Federal Government through the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment for putting on hold the implementation of the EEL.

Speaking in Lagos, NECA Director General, Adewale-Smatt Oyerinde, while appreciating the objectives of the scheme, however, said some gaps needed to be addressed in the management of expatriate employment in Nigeria. He said the decision by the government was nothing short of genuine concern for the plight of organised businesses.

According to him, this has further affirmed the current administration as a listening one, following the speed of response to organised businesses’ concerns.

He further called on the need for deepened engagement with stakeholders, saying “We are always open to engaging the government at all levels and the proposal for stakeholders’ engagement on the issue is highly welcome.

“We urge an inclusive engagement with members of the Organised Private Sector of Nigeria (OPSN) with the view of harvesting workable solutions and options for a win-win position for the economy and the private sector.”


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