CreditChex unveils tenants’ profile service

facebook_thumbTO safe property owners from worries on the status of all prospective tenants, a Lagos-based firm, CreditChex Consumer Services Limited, has unveiled a service, known as ‘Know Your Tenant Nigeria’ (KYTNigeria).

According to the firm, the service, if patronized would help all property owners to know the current status of all prospective tenants.

Also, the firm said the new product it is offering would enable property owners to have people of integrity and credit-worthiness as tenants, which would in turn bring more confidence in the real estate industry in the country.

Justifying the need for the service, the President and Chief Executive Officer of CreditChex, Mr. Ik Iwu, said it was important for every landlord or landlady to know who hires his or her property.

“In Nigeria, most people’s investment is property. You will not like to give the keys of your house to anybody who you do not know.

Iwu said his company’s service would verify the current and former addresses of the prospective tenant and to know how they have fared on their tenancy agreement; if they have done well or not.

“CreditChex has huge data on addresses in the southern part of Nigeria and Abuja in our database. By running prospective tenant’s names and or addresses against our landlord/tenant lawsuits database, we can verify whether they are in court with their current or former landlord for non-payment. He may be trying to pay you with the other landlord’s money. He just might do it to you later on” he added.

