Criminals infiltrate Festac through canals, PCRC says

CP Adegoke Fayoade

Members of the Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC) for Festac Division, Area ‘E’ Command, Lagos State Police Command have lamented that criminals now infiltrate the area from canals.

They called upon the Federal Government, through the Lagos State Commissioner of Police, to provide marine police with sufficient boats as well as constant night patrols along the canal to curb criminal activities around the area.

They disclosed this during the induction of three new patrons, including Mr. Nze Alexander Geonlebedum. The new patrons are expected to assume a crucial role in enhancing the relationship between the police force and the local community. Speaking during the event, President of the Festac PCRC Division, Osita Ogbaji, emphasised the significance of fostering positive relations with the Festac police.

He stressed the need for community sensitisation to promote better understanding between law enforcement officers and residents, ultimately contributing to a safer and more harmonious society. One of the new patrons, Geonlebedum, stressed that security is everyone’s responsibility.

“Whether you’re a resident or a passerby, awareness of security matters is essential. By working together, the community can safeguard its zone and maintain a peaceful environment.

“Festac, as a whole, enjoys relative calm compared to other areas. However, a pressing challenge arises from hoodlums who have adapted their tactics. Instead of using the main roads, they now infiltrate through the riverine canal area. Residents living near the canal are particularly vulnerable to their attacks, as these criminals burst into homes.

“Unfortunately, the police face limitations when patrolling the canal. The distance between police stations and the waterways hinders effective monitoring. Additionally, the hoodlums employ speedboats for their nefarious activities.

“To address this, we call on the Federal Government, working through the Lagos State Commissioner of Police, to provide marine police with sufficient boats, and introduce night patrols along the canal that can help curb criminal activities,” he stated.


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