Cross River Assembly reinstates speaker

The Cross River State House of Assembly has reinstated its Speaker, Rt Hon Elvert Ayambem, who was impeached by 17 of the 25 members of the Assembly on 22 May, 2024.

Ayambem was removed as Speaker of the House on four allegations bothering on gross financial misconduct, incompetence and wrong conduct of plenary proceedings, noncompliance with the Cross River State Legislature Fund Management Law 2021, and total failure to convene leadership meetings. over allegations of

The reinstatement followed the intervention of the state governor, Prince Bassey Otu after several hours of a closed-door meeting with the 25 members of the House including the embattled Speaker.

Governor Otu who presided over the interactive session with the legislators and other stakeholders, restated his commitment to constitutional democracy, separation of power, and the rule of law where due process is the order of the day.

He called for a truce between the aggrieved members and the Speaker while urging the Speaker to understand that he is first among equals and that members have rights and benefits which the Speaker should not deny them.

The governor emphasised the Ned unity and a purpose-driven legislature that complements the executive arm in delivering democratic dividends.

The Speaker of the House of Assembly, Rt Hon Elvert Ayambem thanked the governor for his intervention and pledged to lead the legislature with decency, integrity and commitment to the welfare of members as well as the progress of the state.


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