By Tosin Fodeke

THE Centre for Social Justice, Nasarawa State, has called for the support of a bill that will enhance capacity to improvement on the needed skills for advocacy, monitoring, evaluating and reporting of public procurement implementation in the state.

According to the Director, Centre for Social Justice Nasarawa State, Mr. Eze Onyekpere, the bill seeks to among other things to form a common and united front and create a civil society forum on public procurement and empower themselves with the requisite specific knowledge for public procurement reform and public expenditure management.

Onyekpere, said the group has organised a workshop to sensitise Nasarawa State Civil Society Organisations (CSO) on best practices in public procurement reforms, the provisions of the Public Procurement Bill before the Nasarawa State House of Assembly and to build their capacity to improve on the needed skills for advocacy, monitoring, evaluating and reporting of public procurement implementation in the State


CSJ canvasses support for public procurement bill

In a communique issued by the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) in support of Misereor at Benue Hotels Limited, Benue State, the group is seeking for the Nasarawa State Assembly to expedite action on the passage of the bill.

According to the group, it is seeking for the Nasarawa State House of Assembly to gives state wide publicity to the Public Procurement Bill through the media and call for public hearing to make room for the participation of the people in the process.

“The State Assembly should also expedite action on the passage of the bill after garnering and taking cognisance of the input of the people.

Also to form a common and united front and create a Civil Society Forum on Public Procurement and empower themselves with the requisite specific knowledge for public procurement reform and public expenditure management,” the communique stated.

According to the communique, the group has resolved to undertake a clause by clause analysis of the bill and draft alternative model clauses where necessary- for effective engagement of the state legislature in the course of their work on the bill.

It also resolved to liaise with the media to ensure adequate coverage of all activities leading to the passage of the bill into law.

“CSOs in the state should collaborate with other stakeholder groups like the Nasarawa State branches of Nigerian Bar Association, Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Management of Nigeria, Nigeria Society of Engineers, the State Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture, Trade Unions, etc and seriously advocate for contributions to the bill by all stakeholders.

“CSOs in the State should utilise advocacy visits to key government and public officials, Civil SocietyÐParliamentary Dialogue on Public Procurement reforms to garner support for the bill and create a harmonious working relationship with the State House Assembly in the course of their work on the bill.

“CSOs and the other stakeholders should ensure during their advocacy the replication of the equivalent of section 51 of the Fiscal Responsibility Act which grants locus standi to every person to enforce the provisions of the Act without having to show any special or particular interest. They should also advocate for the non-replication of the sections, which constitute a threat to the achievement of the desired holistic public procurement reforms.

“CSOs should intensify advocacy for equal opportunities and womenÕs full participation in all government programmes especially as bidders and service providers in public procurement. Women should also be equal beneficiaries of all public expenditure management reforms.

ÔCSOs should lobby the executive to present a Fiscal Responsibility Bill to the State House of Assembly or in the alternative, a legislator should be encouraged to present a members Bill on Fiscal Responsibility to the legislature,” the CSJ communique stated.

