Cultism: Abiodun orders raid of illicit drug hideouts in Sagamu, environs

Ogun State Governor, Dapo Abiodun (middle); Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Yomi Oladimeji (left); new Commandant, Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Idowu Ojelabi; new Commandant, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Ibiba Odili and Director, Department of State Services (DSS), Femi Aaron, when the governor received the two new service chiefs in his office at Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta…
As part of efforts to stem cultism and related crimes in Ogun State, Governor Dapo Abiodun, has directed security agencies to carry out periodic raids in identified places where vendors of hard and other illicit drugs operate in Sagamu and its environs.

Abiodun gave the directive in his office at Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta, when he received the new State Commandant of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corp (NSCDC), Mr. David Idowu Ojelabi and that of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Mrs. Ibiba Jane Odili, when they paid him a courtesy visit.

He expressed his displeasure over the activities of cultists in the local council and attributed their devilish behaviour to the influence of hard drugs.

He said: “I personally visited the location where drugs are being freely sold in the evenings, and I said this should be brought to the attention of the Commandants of the NDLEA, Civil Defence, Commissioner of Police, State Director of the Department of State Services (DSS) and other law enforcement agencies to go on a mission and raid that place.

“I want you to rid the entire Sagamu of drug peddlers, sellers and drug abusers. This will go a long way to restoring peace and confidence to our citizens in Sagamu.

“Cultism is one of our challenges and we are ready to deal with those involved. As the industrial, education and religious capital of this nation, we will not allow hoodlums to threaten the peace of this state and so we are going to do everything possible to bring an end to this menace.”

He charged the new security chiefs to bring their wealth of experience into play by emulating their predecessors, emphasising the need to adequately police the state to ensure people go about their legitimate businesses without being attacked.

The new NSCDC boss, Ojelabi, said he was in the state to work with the governor and other security chiefs for a crime-free society, calling on the state government to support him to achieve his objective.

Also speaking, Odili of the NDLEA, commended the state government for its developmental strides in the last four years.

She stressed that the use of illicit drugs had contributed to the health-related problems Nigerians are facing, adding that she is in the state to complement the work of her predecessor of ridding the state of illicit drugs.


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