Cultivating the fruit called character (4)

John Okene

One good way to test character is by temptation and challenges. Temptation simply means to test for weakness. It is a system established to constantly test your character and puts it through constant pressure. There are four ways this can be done, the first of which is power.

Power does not corrupt as people often say; it only reveals the corrupt nature in a man. In Gen 3:5, Satan tempted Eve with power by telling her that if she ate the fruit she would be like God and she fell for it. In her ignorance and desire for power, she never knew she was already created in the image of God.

Again, in Ezk 28:14-17, Lucifer who was an anointed Cherub lost his position because of his thirst for power. The second way character can be tested is with money. Money does not change a man, but it reveals who the man is. In 2 Kings 5:25-27, Gahazi worked with such an anointed prophet of God for so many years, yet when he was exposed to temptation with money he fell flat and became leprous.

Sex is another area through which a man’s character can be tested. Can you resist the sexual temptation with the opposite sex in secret? Samson, in Judges 16:1-21, sacrificed his character and destiny on the altar of sex with strange women. A lot of young couples in courtship engage in constant sex before marriage claiming that they will still eventually do it when married. This is simply a result of lack of character or self-control. Heb 13:4 says marriage is honourable with the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

The fourth way to test character is through a man’s appetites for food. In Matt 4:24, even Jesus was tempted after fasting for 40 days and 40 nights. A hungry man can be tempted to steal or compromise his faith. Esau lost his birthright because he could not control his hunger for food. You must learn to put a check on your character no matter the situation you find yourself.

There are certain conditions for character formation and the first of them is the new birth (Jn 3:3-5). This makes you a citizen in the Kingdom of God. The second condition is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The spirit of God is not only for the impartation of gifts, but also for the development of the fruit called character as we see in (Gal. 5:22-23). The third, practice a close walk with God and let your values and ethics in life be guided by God’s word.

Again, practice self-discipline, have principles that you cannot break. There must be certain things that you consider non-negotiable for you (Prov 25:28, 1 Cor 9:27). Your mind is the incubation ground for character development; so, you must guide it carefully (Prov. 4:23). The inflow of words and thoughts into your mind will determine the outflow in your life and this will shape or strengthen your character. Feeding on the word of God, it changes your mindset and in turn, affects your lifestyle (Rm. 12:2).

The word of God is a mirror for life and it reveals where adjustments need to be made.

• Rev (Dr.) John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. Prayer line: +2348135952623

Get rid of things and persons that can destroy your character. If you associate with the wrong persons you will imbibe their values or ethics unknowingly and such values will form your character. Get rid of certain habits in your life and be open to positive changes. Everything you build in life can be destroyed in a moment by a single act of indiscipline.

Lastly, get people who are accountable and have your interest at heart around you. Those who can always give you feedback or correct you in love. Jesus, at certain times, asked his disciples for feedback; Mtt 16:13-16: “Feedbacks are the fuel for upgrade of character.”

• Rev (Dr.) John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. Prayer line: +2348135952623


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