Daily Times ex-editor Peter ‘Pan’ Enahoro for burial in UK today

Peter ‘Pan’ Enahoro

The remains of foremost journalist, author and national icon, Mr. Peter Pan Enahoro, will be buried in London today.

He died in the United Kingdom (UK) on April 24 this year at 88.

Enahoro became editor of Nigeria’s oldest newspaper, the Daily Times, at the age of 23 and proceeded to carve a niche for himself as a satirist, standing on the side of the people.
Widespread eulogies trailed his demise.

Publisher of Daily Times of Nigeria (DTN), Mr. Fidelis Anosike, said today’s interment would not end the life and times of Enahoro, but elevate his legend globally.

DTN, he said, has embarked on activities to honour the late icon. DTN, which Enahoro led, will be 100 in three years’ time.

Anosike said: “Daily Times of Nigeria is proud of the landmarks of the legend, Peter Enahoro. Indeed, one can rightly say his engagements were a labour of love for the development of Nigeria and the vibrant press in the country today owed much of its credit to Peter Enahoro’s bold and courageous skill with the pen to hold those in power accountable to the people.”

Double spread adverts eulogizing the great man are being run in some national dailies.

President Bola Tinubu, People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and Labour Party (LP) presidential candidates, Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi, are among prominent Nigerians who eulogized Enahoro, describing him as a nationalist, astute journalist, trainer of young journalists and a nice man.

Famous African journalist, Ben Asante, who worked under Enahoro in the latter’s London-based magazine, New African, in the 1980s, said he remembered Enahoro for many good things.

Asante further painted him in glowing colours, saying Enahoro’s name opened doors at the top echelon of government and business in Nigeria.

His words: “There was much more to working under the doyen of journalism then. Peter opened doors. With the mere mention of Peter’s name, even at the time of military government, I gained entry to leading political and business circles.”


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