Dame Okowa laments bleak future for children, Samson blames distorted family values

Wife of the Delta State governor, Dame Edith Okowa, yesterday, led no fewer than 300 women in prayers to seek the will of God to reform and secure the future of their children.

Dame Okowa, while lamenting the continuous decline of moral virtues in the nation, called on mothers to rise in prayers for God to do the needful to change the narrative in the life of every child.

She stated this at the 15th edition of the ‘Mothers Arise’ prayer conference held at the Government House Chapel, Asaba.

The event attracted dignitaries from different denominations, including wives of clergymen, political office holders, and traditional rulers. The wives of the immediate past governors of the state, Deaconess Roli Uduaghan and former deputy governor, Mrs Esther Elue, attended. Also in attendance was the Olu of Warri, Olori Ivie Emiko.

She noted that mothers had failed God and that the way forward was for parents, particularly mothers, to turn a new leaf and genuinely seek the will of God for their children.
“The evil going on in our nation today,” according to her, “is an open secret, because on daily basis, we see things that we are too ashamed to talk about. As mothers, our hearts bleed at the level of evil our eyes and ears are witnesses to.”

She observed that things had so declined that the nation was gradually getting to a point it was not sure of tomorrow anymore, saying: “We desire a tomorrow and we desire to see the generations after us take over from us and that is why we have gathered to pray as mothers.”

Okowa, however, expressed hope that with prayers and God’s intervention, the situation would not remain hopeless.

“There is nothing too difficult for God to do but all hands must be on deck to rescue the children,” he added.

The prayer meeting, put together by Dame Okowa’s O5 Initiative, witnessed intercessory prayers.

In her sermon, Kesiena Samson, emphasised that the future of the Nigerian youth was at serious stake.
She said to raise Godly children, every mother must recognise the responsibility God had placed on her shoulder as a helpmate to the man, and be firm to ensure the family succeeds.

Dwelling on the theme of the prayer conference, ‘Breaking the cycle of destruction,’ she traced the beginning of moral decadence in the society to the failure of the family, adding that the family had abandoned its responsibilities and God’s primary purpose of initiating the marriage institution by creating a foothold for the devil to attack the children.

“This is an age marked and loaded with destruction. The children of this generation are addicted to drugs, they are lazy students who prefer to cheat in examinations, they use faked satanic anointing to deceive people.

“The teenagers have become ritualists, who use their mothers as sacrificial lambs to make money,” she explained.

Samson drew attention to the need for parents to return to the ancient landmarks to produce godly seeds by modelling righteousness to the children.


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