Danny Jordaan Predicts victory for Pinnick in FIFA Council poll

NFF President Amaju Pinnick PHOTO: Twitter

• ‘He Will Get All 14 Votes In Southern African Nations’

The President of South African Football Association (SAFA), Danny Jordaan, has predicted victory for Amaju Pinnick in his quest to win a seat on the FIFA Council at next week’s Confederation of African Football elections in Rabat, Morocco.

Jordaan, a former lecturer, politician and anti-apartheid activist, led South Africa’s successful 2010 FIFA World Cup bid. He spoke on a Zoom programme on NTA during a Sports Parliament show on Thursday.

Jordaan stated that his country (South Africa) was fully behind Pinnick’s candidacy in the FIFA Council election. Pinnick stepped down from running for CAF President, and has thrown his weight behind South African billionaire, Patrice Motsepe.

Jordaan revealed that he would cast his vote for the NFF boss, just as he declared that they were working seriously to get all 14 votes from southern African nations for Pinnick.

Pinnick is facing opposition from five other African countries, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Kenya and The Gambia in the race for the FIFA Council seat.

On Thursday, the Federal Government of Nigeria gave Pinnick the backing he needed in his quest to win a seat on the FIFA Council in Rabat, Morocco.

At a press conference addressed by the Permanent Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports, Engineer Nebolisa Anako, on behalf of the Minister Mr Sunday Dare in Abuja, the government stated unequivocally that “Mr Amaju’s ambition would further reposition Nigeria in the global football map where we have made remarkable inroads” and indicated that his triumph would follow in the glorious steps of illustrious compatriots Dr Akinwunmi Adesina (re-elected as President of Africa Development Bank) and Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (first female/ first African Director-General of the World Trade Organization) in recent times.

“If the NFF President wins the position, it would not be a victory for the Federal Government and all Nigerians alone, but the African continent. He would be a great ambassador of our great country if elected into the FIFA Council.”

As a member of the CAF Executive, Pinnick is aware of the task ahead and the Federal Government’s support to the actualization of his dream,” Anako said.


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