Dapo Abiodun: The man, his sagacity and focus ahead

Ogun state governor, Dapo Abiodun. Photo/facebook/dabiodunmfr
The political climate in Ogun State, in the countdown to the March 18, 2023 gubernatorial and house of assembly polls was undoubtedly tensed, considering the intensity of gang-up, intricacies of alignment and re-alignment, the shenanigans of self-styled political demagogue, coupled with proliferation of propaganda and smear campaign, rooted in the myopic agenda of hijacking political power through the backdoor.

The man at the centre of the storm, the incumbent Governor of Ogun State, Prince Dapo Abiodun , the one who combines political sagacity with rare calmness remained unruffled in the face of these seeming adversities, just like a general in battle, Dapo Abiodun insulated himself against every distraction through total concentration on his job and herculean task of governing a cosmopolitan state like Ogun, with predominantly sophisticated population.

To the chagrin of many political observers and pundits alike, instead of calling out the man that claimed God and publicly vowed to stop him from getting second term in office, Dapo Abiodun simply gave a sound response’’, Ogun State belongs to all of us, it does not belong to a particular person’’, and truly, the people of the State showed it to everyone on March 18th that the State belongs to everybody.

The winning margin of 13, 915, that returned Governor Dapo Abiodun for the second term in office clearly and convincingly confirmed the Ogun gubernatorial election of 2023 as the most competitive, keenly contested and transparent of all across the country. Indeed, Abiodun’s triumphant outing at the poll implicitly showed a man with impeccable character and a great juggernaut of note, which logically punctures every narrative of rigging as nothing but a mere imagination of its proponents.

Going forward therefore, as the elections have come and gone with all its attendant machinations, the next line of action for the Governor-elect is to passionately pursue his conceived roadmap for prosperity and socio-economic advancement in the gateway state, by consolidating his sterling achievement in the first term and proactively move further in that path of progressive thinking.

The creativity and genuine will displayed by the Governor in his first term in office must be sustained towards rejuvenating the economy of the State and making life abundant for the greatest numbers of the people, especially the most vulnerable part of the society and the youth.

There is urgent need for the Governor to speed up action on road infrastructure across the State for the inhabitants to enjoy the full privilege of the proximity to a cosmopolitan city like Lagos and international border. Also, there should be a conscious improvement in the provision of health care delivery for both rural and urban dwellers in equal proportion, in terms of quality.

Of great importance is the urgent need to consolidate the present intervention in agriculture so as to increase the gains of ongoing initiative in the sector for the purpose of strengthening the states’ economic cost advantage and guarantee food security and foreign earnings.

I sincerely salute the great initiative and determination of the Governor in achieving the establishment of Cargo Airport, known as Gateway Agro-cargo Airport, one of its kind in the West Africa sub-region, it is definitely an age-long dream that came into fruition in the State, however, I want to enjoin the Governor to move ahead further by inviting more investors across the globe to come and invest in the real sector of the state’s economy.

Also, the Governor must do more in changing the face of tourism in the state, to maximally take advantage of the huge potentials of the state in the sector.

All in all, I heartily congratulate Governor Dapo Abiodun on his worthwhile victory against all odds to continue steering the ship of the Gateway State with courage, passion and zeal, in the words of John Quincy Adams,’’ If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” Governor Dapo Abiodun, without mincing words remains a thought leader in the real sense of it.

• Olaniyi writes from Ota.


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