Davido Issues Dammy Krane Cease And Desist Order

Nigerian music superstar, David O. Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, has taken legal action against fellow artiste, Dammy Krane.

The dispute centres around alleged defamatory statements made by Dammy Krane on social media platforms.

The Cease and Desist Letter

Davido’s legal team recently issued a strongly-worded cease and desist letter to Dammy Krane. The letter accuses Dammy Krane of cyberbullying and spreading false information about Davido.

Here are the key points from the letter:

1. Defamatory Posts: Dammy Krane allegedly published defamatory statements on June 21, 2024, via his X (formerly “Twitter”) account. In these posts, he insinuated that Davido was a murderer. Davido vehemently denies any such allegations and asserts that he has never been charged with or convicted of any offense, including murder.

2. The Impact: Dammy Krane’s posts, which reached over 342,600 followers, were further spread by numerous blogs worldwide. Davido, being a globally recognised music star, found himself trending at No. 1 on X Trends for Nigeria. The negative comments and reactions poured in, tarnishing his reputation.

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3. Legal Demands: The cease and desist letter demands two actions from Dammy Krane:
◦ Within 24 hours, remove and retract the offensive publication from all social media platforms.
◦ Refrain from any further publication of defamatory statements against Davido.

Dammy Krane’s Response

Dammy Krane has yet to publicly respond to the legal notice. However, his subsequent post taunting Davido and claiming that “HE CAN’T SUE BECAUSE I SPEAK THE TRUTH OPONU” suggests a tense legal battle ahead.

The Stakes

This legal showdown between Davido and Dammy Krane shows the power of spreading information, whether true or false, on the internet, particularly on social media. As both artistes prepare for a potential court battle, the music industry watches closely. Will Dammy Krane comply with the cease and desist order, or will this escalate into a full-blown legal war?


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