Deadly Passions Of Love (1)

Deadly Passions Of Love

That rainy and thundery Saturday, Suru could visualise the angel of God telling him not to take the wrong step; the angel was advising him not to kill himself by drowning in the Atlantic Ocean. He refused to listen and vehemently fought back the tears, as he sobbed quietly on his way to the ocean- the Lagos Bar beach- to drown himself and end it all.
“Don’t beg me please…” he soliloquised, “I’ll kill myself and die because of love.

What more do I want in life other than the love of my darling Titi? I love her. I adore her. But sadly enough, she doesn’t love me…please don’t beg me. I’m on my way to the Atlantic Ocean to get drown and kill myself. My flesh and bones will become food for sharks and other wild and hungry predators in the ocean. I beg you in God’s name, let me kill myself. O my…my…my…I love Titi with every fibre of my being…she is my soul and life, but she doesn’t love me. In fact, she hates me and I don’t know why.”

The rain was getting heavier by the minutes and the fearful thunderclap could be heard throughout the length and breadth of Lagos metropolis but despite this inclement weather, Suru chose this very odd time to commit suicide in the Lagos Bar beach. Wonders shall never end!

Suru was in his late 20s. He was a very tall, dark-skinned and handsome young man.

He was also easy-going and polite in manners. And he had no history of mental disorder or dementia. What could prompt a young man with a first class degree in the social sciences to want to take his own life just like that? Is love that powerful? He had a good job in a marketing firm and doing fine. Ever since Suru set his eyes on the exquisitely beautiful and delectable Titi, he was head-over-heels in love! It was a unique, deep and highly passionate romantic experience. He loved her and he tried every means to show it. In fact, his friends and family knew that the young man was really in love.

Titi lived on the same street with Suru, a stone’s throw to Suru’s rented flat in Obalende, in Lagos Island. Suru was looking forward to getting married in the nearest future. He thought he had found Miss Right. He never knew that the love bug could bite him so easily. Cupid’s arrow had struck his heart but it seemed this had gone too far. It had taken a tragic and bizarre turn. Really, Titi was an angel. There was definitely no doubt about this. Her name should have been Beauty, Queen or Angel.

It would take many fantastic, tongue-twisting adjectives in the lexicon to describe her enchanting and ethereal beauty. And she was a well-behaved, cultured and humble young lady. She was in her early 20s. Titi was tall, dark-skinned and very charming, with ruddy lips. She had just completed her degree course in Banking and Finance from Citadel University, based in Lagos.

When Suru met the ravishing beauty at a cyber café very close to his street a couple of months ago, he never knew he could be carried away by the tide of adoration and passion. He didn’t even know that they both lived on the same street. After a short casual chat,Titi told him where she lived and the romance saga began.


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