Deadly Passions Of Love (4)


The rain increased in intensity as the young man walked the streets of Lagos Island like a sort of zombie or someone hallucinated, with the sole intention of killing himself for love’s sake. The frightful peals of thunderclap continued unabated and lightning flashed through the sky at a heartrending pace.

Exactly 50 minutes later, Suru was now at the Atlantic Ocean, the Bar Beach to be precise. He was really in tears as he saw the tidal waves of the ocean. He knew he was doing this for love’s sake. He just couldn’t help it. He cried like a baby. Picnickers and other people at the bank of the ocean didn’t know the intention of the young man as he approached the great waters with slow, steady and sad steps. In a minute, his short lifespan flashed across his mind. He could recall nothing in his memory now but suicide and death.

He begged Almighty God to forgive his sins because he knew that his action was totally ungodly. He continued to weep gently as he moved towards the giant waves of the ocean. He had now made up his mind to plunge into the ocean and was about jumping inside when he heard a soft voice behind him calling: “Suru, don’t do this please…I beg you in God’s name. I sincerely love you…” Instantly, he turned, but lo and behold,Titi was behind him in affectionate tears. She touched him tenderly and softly hugged him very passionately.

“I can’t believe my eyes…is this real?” Suru asked for the umpteenth time.
“Yes, it’s real my darling. You are my sweetheart and everything,” Titi replied softly. “I just want to give you a test Suru. I love you sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I followed you carefully immediately you left home for this beach. I’ll marry you. You’re my heart and soul…”

“It’s hard to believe this but now I know it’s real! My angel is back and willing to marry me…” Suru said with unmistakable joy vibrating and hovering over the love duo. Then, he continued, “When you are beside me, my angel, it’s like I’m in paradise. It feels so heavenly I don’t want to let go of your arm. I love you so much.”

“I love you too Suru, no one can take your place in my heart. I’ve found my own true missing rib. Let’s go home darling…True love is very deep and brings us the things that we most desire. From the depth of my heart and soul I want to say I LOVE YOU,” Titi replied with adoration.

Between blissful and passionate kisses, Suru said, “I can’t live without you, my lovely inamorata…”

“We are inseparable like the fishes and the ocean, and the sky and the birds.” Titi replied, “ I love and adore you…”

About six months later,Suru and Titi got married amid pomp and pageantry. It was a grand wedding ceremony. A year later, they had a bouncing baby boy as the fruit of the womb. They were a successful couple and lived happily ever after.


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