Deliverance from bloodline captivity – Part 4


Bloodline captivity is often supervised by certain powers called demonic protocol officers. Irrespective of the foundational causes of the bloodline captivity, these powers are assigned to ensure that protocols are observed in the operational system of the captivity in every family. There are basically three of them and the first is the principalities. This is the strongman in charge of a family. Matt 12:29 says you cannot enter into the house of a strong man and spoil his goods without first binding him. There is the spirit of the princes (principalities) that most be cut off for their evil operations to cease in your life, psalm 76:11-12.

The second power that supervises bloodline captivity is the familiar spirits. They are the record keepers in the family. They are familiar with the history and activities of the family. They have a track record of every operations and their implications. This is the operational spirit behind witch doctors, soothsayers, fortune tellers and the likes. They retrieve information from family records to tell men things that they may never know from their family. They are the ministers in charge of information in the family. Lev 20:6, 27 says, we must not consult them. Christ came to blot out all their records and every handwriting of ordinances that is against us.

The third power is the witchcraft spirit. They are the chief executioners and they use manipulation, bewitchment, intimidation and control on their victims. These powers can manipulate people to make mistakes that will lead to a life time regrets. A man from a polygamous home for instance, who has vowed never to go into polygamy can be manipulated to have a one off extra- marital affairs with a lady. This will lead to pregnancy and he has no choice, but to cater for the child and mother. This ropes him into the bloodline pattern of polygamy. A young lady also from a family where marriages don’t last, can be manipulated to become so troublesome in her marriage that her husband will send her packing and she would back to the status quo. These persons only realise and regret their actions when it is too late. There are different effects these operations can have on their victims. It causes delay in fulfillment of prophecies in once life.

Everyone has a prophetic word over his or her life. It could either be from the scripture or directly from God through his servants. However, there are factors that determine when and how such prophecies will manifest. Another effect of bloodline captivity is that it could divert or cage the destiny of a man.

Thirdly, it causes famine or hardship. It can, sometimes, result in untimely death. You most not fold your hands and settle for any of these effects. You have a choice to do something about it. Get born again as you surrender your life to Christ now. Confess your sins and that of your parents. Do a spiritual mapping or investigation in your family because knowledge is very important for actions to be effective. Set yourself free from the stronghold (Isaiah 52:2-3) and seek the help of a deliverance minister.

Lastly, engage the force of sacrifice, Psalm 76:11-22.

Prayer Points
• Every strongman assigned by the powers of my father’s/mother’s house against my life, in the name of Jesus, die!
• Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. Prayerline: +2348135952623

• Every demonic record in any altar against me, catch fire.
• Ancestral deity laying any claim to my life because of the oath my ancestors took with him, hear the word of the Lord; I belong to Jesus, leave me alone in Jesus’ name.
• Powers from the ancestral idol or marine kingdom acting as my spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus, die!
• Any evil person that use to appear in my dreams and is responsible for my problems, receive judgment of fire in Jesus’ name.
• Powers that have turned my dream into a battle ground or using satanic dreams to manipulate my life, in the name of Jesus, die!
• Every altar of darkness or ancestral shrines where my destiny is locked or my name is mentioned, catch fire in Jesus’ name.
• Anything used to represent me in my village coven, catch fire in Jesus’ name.
• Inherited sickness in my bloodline, in the name of Jesus, expire by fire.
• Wicked elders in my father’s house or mother’s house, saying “no” to my progress in life, receive judgment in Jesus’ name, amen!
• Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. Prayerline: +2348135952623


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