Delta AG dims lower court judges’ hope for review of retirement age

Delta State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Ekemejero Ohwovoriole, yesterday, dimmed the hope of the entire spectrum of the lower court judges to get the state government’s backing for upward review of their retirement age from 60 to 65 years in service.

Ohwovoriole, who reacted to the lower court judges’ demand, when they paid him a courtesy visit in his office, expressed reservation over the development.
He hinted that while some workers are itching to leave service, complaining that the work they do is not rewarding, others are clamouring for more time when they should be retiring to enjoy their old ages.
He said: “Well, if that is what you desire, you must have your reason to stay to hear arguments, even though you hardly go on break, working almost all year round unlike the High Court with a series of holidays, you still want extension of time.  
“So, whatever you brought should be subject to proper research and investigations. This is to ensure you are properly advised on how to react officially to the documents on the issue of your desire to suffer some months more in office.”
“If I get the reason to get back to you, I will; but go back to prepare a well documented brief that would see the light of the day.
Earlier, Justice Carl Moeteke, a Magistrate in Asaba, who led the lower court judges, had told the Attorney General that there was a need to move their age of service upward.
