Delta tells motorists to patronise only filling stations selling at lower prices

Delta State Petroleum Products Monitoring Committee has advised residents to patronise only stations selling at reasonably lower prices. The committee said buying from those selling at considerable prices would force others selling at arbitrarily high prices to lower their prices.

Chairman of the committee’s task force and Commissioner for Oil and Gas, Prince Emmanuel Amgbaduba, who gave the charge, yesterday, in Asaba, added that the state government was concerned about scarcity of fuel and other issues affecting livelihood of the people across the state.

He said: “Since our task force was put in place and we have gone round the state, we discovered that petrol is becoming more available to our citizens, though the queues are still there, but easing out gradually and the price per litre is also coming down.

“Although, some people are still selling at N400 and above, per litre, the prices are still coming down and I can inform you we were represented this morning by a member of our committee (IPMAN) at a meeting with the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission.

“It is our hope that as time goes on, the prices will come down further with the availability of more products and with the promise by NNPC Limited to bring in more petrol, I am sure the prices will keep coming down.”


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