Demola Oyefeso Bounces Back As Daughter Graduates In US


GENESIS Promotion boss, Ademola Oyefeso, has bounced back better after his incarceration for many years in the United States of America.

The New Jersey, United States of America-based promoter a few days back put together a mini private party in the United States for his daughter, Damilare Oyefeso, who just graduated from Lafayette College.

The party was used to celebrate Damilare’s great perfomance. She passed out of the school in flying colours.

Since he was released from incarceration, Oyefeso had maintained a low life-style before he put together the resounding party, a house party, which had the Nigerian happening crowd in attendance.

It was no doubt a fun house party. Oyefeso contributed immensely to the present status and acceptance that Nigerian music enjoys abroad, especially at his American base. He is regarded as one promoter who commands great respect among musicians and artistes, especially the Yoruba genre.

He, in fact, has promoted many of them. Those he had promoted include K1 the Ultimate, the late Sikiru Ayinde Barrister, Kollington Ayinla, Salawa Abeni, Lagbaja, the late Orlando Owoh, Adewale Ayuba, Abass Obesere and Kola Ogunkoya.

Oyefeso’s problem started in late 2004. Then speculations were rife about the nature of the problem, which majority thought was narcotics, but it was later discovered to be tax evasion.

Meanwhile, his incarceration has turned out to be a blessing in disguise because while in prison, he met with and signed a contract with the manager of Puff Daddy to promote and produce Nigerian musicians in the United States of America.

