Demolition: Court adjourns suit between Aviation college, Zaria residents

A magistrate court sitting in Kings road, Sabon gari Zaria, headed by Judge Yakubu Badamasi has adjourned till January, 31 2022, the case of trespass and demolition of property filed by Residents of Agwan Yusi in Zaria.

It will be recalled that KASUPDA, an agency of Kaduna State government had gone ahead to demolished over 160 houses in Angwan Yusi, popularly known as Graceland, despite pending court cases and some rulings in favour of the community.

However, the case was adjourned due to the absence of two defendants in the case; Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, Zaria and Kaduna State Urban Planning Development Authority, KASUPDA.

This prompted the community, who claimed to have valid and genuine certificate of occupancy to approach the court for redress.

Speaking to newsmen at the court premises, counsel to the defendants, Barister Akume said his clients were not in court because they were not served with the notice to appear in court.

Akume however pledged to insist on their appearance at the next seating.

Meanwhile, Councel to the plaintiff submitted that the court should order for the arrest of the two defendants if they fail to appear in court at the next seating.

Recall that Kaduna government had claimed that the residents had illegally encroached into the NCAT land without permission from the land owners, been the NCAT.

Meanwhile, the occupants of the demolished property said they have acquired the property through legitimate process and have their valid documents to prove ownership.

They were in court with their Certificates of Occupancy.


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