Deploying TETFund for results

SIR: There seems to be an effective utilization of Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), now that Professor Suleiman Elias Bogoro is on board, acting its Executive Secretary.

Before now, tertiary institutions, most especially the universities, were lagging far behind in terms of infrastructural development. Lecture halls were looking tattered, dilapidated and archaic. Some secondary schools were even looking far better than some of the public universities.

Also, polytechnics like Kaduna Polytechnic and Yabatech, Lagos, got more adequate attention than some universities, both in infrastructural development and even in academic performance of students. But the arrival of Professor Bogoro, on April 14, 2014 as the Executive Secretary of TETFund, has brought a great change.

Let me state here clearly that if there is still any university, most especially federal university, lagging behind in terms of infrastructural development and so on, the Vice Chancellor should be questioned on what is happening to the grants from TETFund.

I guess even the recent six universities, established by the Federal Government across the country, are growing as they are all benefiting from TETFund. Professor Bogoro should be appreciated for the good work, just as I urge him to keep it up.



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