Developer harps on integrity, transparency in real estate sector


A Lagos-based property development firm, Gafford Property and Homes has advised operators in the real estate industry to prioritise transparency and integrity above all other considerations in dealing with subscribers.

The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Gbadebo Olamerun, appealed for the allocation of landed property to subscribers in the Epe area during its first quarter review and appreciation dinner for customers in Lagos.

He emphasised that integrity must be at the core of all transactions to safeguard the interest and investment of subscribers, adding the firm has chosen to toe the same path in everything it does.

“We believe in fostering long-term relationships, built on trust, honesty, and open communication. Our dedication to ethical practices ensures that your interests are always prioritised, guiding you toward informed decisions and successful outcomes,” he said.

He affirmed that the real estate firm is committed to addressing the 28 million housing deficit through initiatives such as assigning lands to customers to build their own houses.

“We have made an effort on the project, which has increased the value of subscribers. These lands are government-approved because we have the necessary documents. We believe in value addition and that differentiates us from others.

“We want to deliver this project at the highest industry standard. We are not compromising regardless of the challenges we might face in the construction industry,” he said.

He further assured subscribers of his commitment to excellence and giving the best to them.

He added, “Whatever we have promised people that we are going to do on the project, this we will do. We are not the ones that promise and disappear.”


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