Dinah Lugard triumphs in Hackathon 2024, secures victory for Nigeria

Dinah Lugard, representing Nigeria, has emerged victorious in the highly anticipated Hackathon 2024, hosted by Pydon Global.

Competing against over 100 participants from across Africa in the preliminary rounds, Lugard faced off against two finalists from Tanzania and Senegal for the coveted winning prize. The virtual competition, held throughout April and concluding on May 2, 2024, showcased Lugard’s exceptional skills as a White Hat Hacker, earning her not only the winner’s title but also recognition for delivering the best presentation.

As the winner, Lugard walks away with a $5000 cash prize and a scholarship to pursue studies in Artificial Intelligence at Harvard University. The second-place finisher, the Senegal representative, receives a scholarship to study System Engineering in any African country, while the Tanzanian representative, in third place, earns a scholarship to study computer science at a Tanzanian University.

In the realm of cybersecurity, Dinah Lugard emerges as a steadfast advocate, emphasizing the paramount importance of fortifying digital defenses against fraud and hacking.
The visionary founder expressed her gratitude for the accolade, stating, “This victory humbles me. It reinforces our collective responsibility to better society, motivating me to utilise my cybersecurity skills and platform for positive change.”
Admitting the risks posed by the conveniences of connectivity, Lugard’s initiative, ‘Cloud On SoberTech,’ shines a spotlight on the urgent need for online security. Through targeted content, it offers indispensable safeguards and a roadmap for securely navigating the digital realm.


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