Discharge justice with integrity, Oborevwori charges judges

Delta State governor Sheriff Oborevwori

Delta State Governor, Sheriff Oborevwori, yesterday, called on judges in the country to be guided by the doctrine of fair hearing, equity and good conscience in the discharge of their duties.

Oborevwori urged the judges to guarantee justice for all by maintaining a high level of personal probity, devoid of greed and ensuring that the guilty are punished according the provisions of the law. He gave the charge at the swearing-in of Justice Catherine Ojugbana-Orishedere as President, Customary Court of Appeal, and seven judges of the state judiciary, yesterday, in Asaba.

Those sworn in as judges of High Court are Aforkeya Obomejero; Okeleke Ifeanyi Samuel; Umuko Aboyowa Godwin; Ossai Ngozi Rita; and Adolor Onorieukuhakpo Sunny; while Gbakeji Emakpor Michael and Uraih Ifeanyi Tracy Patricia were sworn in as judges of the Customary Court of Appeal.

Oborevwori said Justice Ojugbana-Orishedere’s recommendation by the National Judicial Council, appointment, and subsequent confirmation by the state House of Assembly testified to her capacity, competence, and fitness for the office.

According to the governor, her elevation to the position of PCCA after 23 years of service validates her credentials as an eminent jurist and faithful public servant. Oborevwori said: “To the PCCA and the new judges, I charge you to continue in the same spirit of hard work, sincerity, dedication, consistency, and excellence that earned you this elevation.”

Responding on behalf of the judges, Justice Ojugbana-Orishedere, thanked Oborevwori for finding them worthy to serve in the state judiciary. She pledged the commitment of the judges to the discharge of their duties, as enshrined in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of state, Monday Onyeme, yesterday, charged political office holders to serve the electorate without expecting gains. Onyeme, stated this at Government House, Asaba, when the people of Onicha-Ukwuani clan, Ndokwa Council of Delta State, paid him a visit at his office.  Onyeme is from Onicha-Ukwuani.

“Political office is not for yourself or your family alone; it is a platform to serve the people, the electorate, attract development to the people that you are representing,” he said. He assured the people that he would work closely with the governor to attract development to the clan.

Speaking on behalf of the people, Ogbuiji Aneke Ifemeni, congratulated Onyeme and appealed to him to facilitate the construction of roads in Onicha-Ukwuani and amenities, stating: “Since 2013, no community in Onicha-Ukwuani has seen electricity from public power supply.”



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