Discover the will of God for you – Part 19

Emeritus Prof. Mercy Olumide

15:2 if you seek Him. Seeking the Lord faithfully (see previous note) has wonderful results:

Those who seek the Lord will experience peace (Isaiah 26:3; Heb. shalom) and rest of God (cf.14: 6-7). This means not merely the absence of conflict, but the experience of forgiveness, a clear conscience (Acts 24:16; 1 Tim 3:9), and a spiritual, physical, mental and emotional well-being that comes from a growing, life-giving relationship with God (cf. Acts 10:36; Rom 5:1; Gal 5:22; see Rom 8:1).

2 • Those who seek the Lord will receive mercy, grace and help in time of need (see Heb. 4:16; cf. 2Chr 14:11-15).
3 • Those who seek the Lord will experience the presence of God (vv. 1-4). God promises that those who earnestly seek Him will find Him. Under the new covenant the presence of God through the Holy Spirit brings strength and comfort to believers, leading them into truth, righteousness and power (see John 14:16-26; 15:26-27; Acts 2:4; Rom 8:5-16; Gal 4:6).
4 • Those who seek the Lord will be able to stand firm against their enemies (14:9-15; 16:7-8), including Satan and his spiritual forces (cf. Eph 6:10-18; see Mat 4:10).

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,for they shall be filled,” (Mat 5:6). “hunger and thirst for righteousness. ”This is one of the most important verses in the Sermon on the Mount.
• The foundational requirement for all godly living is to “hunger and thirst after righteousness” (cf. 6:33). Such hunger is seen in Moses (Ex 33:13,18), the psalmist (Ps 42: 2,6; 63 :1-11) and the Apostle Paul (Phil 3:10). The spiritual condition of Christians throughout their lives will depend on their hunger and thirst for: (a) the presence of God (Deut 4:29), (b) the Word of God (Ps 119), (c) the communion of Christ (Phil 3:8-10), (d) the fellowship of the Spirit (John 7:37-39; 2Cor 13:14), (e) righteousness (5:6), (f) kingdom power (6:33) and (g) the return of the Lord (2Tim 4:8).
• The Christian’s hunger for the things of God is destroyed by worldly anxiety, deceitfulness of wealth (13:22), desire for things (Mark 4:19) and life’s pleasures (Luke 8:14), and failure to abide in Christ (John 15:4).

When the hunger of believers for God and His righteousness is destroyed, they will die spiritually. For this reason, it is essential that we be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s convicting work in our lives ( John 16:8-13; Rom 8:5-16).
Abide In Christ

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me,” (Jn 15:4). “Abide in me.” After a person believes in Christ and is forgiven, he or she receives eternal life and the power to remain in Christ.
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