Disunity, injustice threatening Nigeria’s democracy —Tafawa-Balewa

Billy Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, the eldest grandson of the late Prime Minister, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, has said disunity and injustice are major threats to Nigeria’s democracy.

Abubakar, in a chat with The Guardian, said: “There is no unity in the country, people don’t see themselves as Nigerians –perhaps, we see ourselves as enclaves or nationalities under one nation. 

“Secondly is injustice. Virtually all our political parties are not practicing internal democracy. What do we think brought about Boko Haram, kidnapping, bandits, and attacks on government facilities, robbery and others? It is injustice.

“If the common man cannot get justice, I don’t know where we are heading to. These are two most important things I believe, if we don’t work on them… I don’t know. The only way we can have unity in this country is for us to narrow down our common interests.


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