Dominica Citizenship by Investment will make life “different” for Nigerians

Nigerians who can apply for Dominica Citizenship by Investment would enjoy visa-free movement to more than 143 countries in the world, says Dominica’s Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit.

Skerrit said this in a webinar called “Dominica Citizenship by Investment: Redefining Wealth, Safety, and Travel for Nigerians” hosted by The Guardian with the CS Global Partners.

“Nigeria passport has a particular challenge, in terms of visa-free access and even acquisition of visa,” Skerrit said.

“It will certainly be a good opportunity for Nigerians to apply for and become Dominica citizens that will certainly make life dramatically different for them,” he added.

He stated Dominica has visa-free and visa on arrival access to over 143 countries to ease the travel experience for all Nigerian entrepreneurs who intend to travel globally for business purposes with Dominica’s CBI.

“By the end of 2021, the visa-free and visa on arrival access to Dominican’s would certainly increase by 20 to 25 per cent,” emphasized PM Skerrit.

He said children of Dominica citizens can access universities from any part of the world and the Caribbean country will help in the business opportunities of citizens are expanded.

“We have an economic partnership agreement with the European Union, the entire EU and we just concluded a similar agreement with the United Kingdom,” he said, adding that all exports to these countries are “duty-free” while also enjoying “global mobility”.

Since 1993, Dominica has been inviting high net-worth individuals and their families to become citizens once investing in either a government fund or investing in pre-approved real estate properties.

Dominica’s CBI programme is considered the world’s best by the annual CBI Index report. The study provides a comprehensive ranking of all government-legislated CBI Programmes and has ranked Dominica as the best destination for the last four consecutive years. The report, conducted by experts at the Financial Times’ PWM magazine, cites the programme’s efficiency, affordability and attention to due diligence as some of the reasons for its ranking.

“It is a secure country with a mature democracy despite being a young country,” Skerrit said.

According to the Prime Minister, Dominica and Nigeria have had a long bilateral relationship spanning many decades, adding that “we are confident that Nigeria and Dominica will make a strong team together.”

Presently there are about 230 Nigerian medical students in Dominica, says Skerrit.


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