Don launches foundation for indigent students

Professor Mike Adebamowo

Executive Director, University of Lagos Business School (ULBS), Prof. Mike Adebamowo, has unveiled a foundation to support indigent students.

The don told reporters on the sideline of his 60th birthday ceremony that the foundation was set up to give back to the society, especially in the area of education.

Already, the Professor of Architecture noted that the foundation had set aside N60 million to kick-start activities.

He said it was to impact generations of people by supporting their education.

“This occasion is hinged on the grace of God, who has preserved my life for these 60 years.

“I attended university with ease because of the grace of God. I was in no way a burden to my parents. So, in celebrating this 60th birthday anniversary, even though I have been doing this informally all my life, I still want to continue to assist and support the vulnerable, the needy in the society.”

He said the foundation would cater for students who are unable to access tertiary education due to paucity of funds.

He noted that such students would be provided with all the financial backing for them to be able to process admission and conclude their programmes.

Besides, Adebamowo said the foundation would also ensure that the students are closely monitored and mentored.

“We believe that in mentoring them, we will be able to build their character and subsequently, build a better society.

He expressed concern over issues of decadence among youths, pointing out that setting up the foundation is his little way of giving back and raising a godly generation, who are not intellectually bankrupt but morally sound,” he said.

Immediate past Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos (UNILAG), Prof. Oluwatoyin Ogundipe, described the initiative as timely, considering the current economic situation in the country.

According to him, of great importance is the deliberate intention to monitor and mentor the beneficiaries.

He said this would go a long way in producing young leaders who are focused and well-established.

The former vice chancellor appealed to well-meaning individuals, corporate bodies, and organisations to support the initiative by donating to the cause.

Ogundipe said such foundations would go a long way in making society a better place for all.

The chairman of the board of trustees of the foundation, Toks Oshokoya, said the initiative was to give back to the society the grace enjoyed by the founder, as a student.

He highlighted the objectives of the foundation to include financial support to indigent students in tertiary institutions across the country.

The chairman said it also involved continuous monitoring and evaluation of the progress of the beneficiaries.

Oshokoya directed interested students to register and establish engagement with the foundation.

According to him, the foundation will pay school fees for each beneficiary, while allowances for feeding would be paid into the student’s account.

He further disclosed that a committee will be set up to monitor and evaluate the total progress of the beneficiaries yearly.

“This foundation will also celebrate its milestone with lectures developed around education, leadership and social responsibility,” he said.
